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Help! My RSS feed has been hijacked by a random publication!

David Rutland
David Rutland

Calm down, and take a deep breath. You're safe now.

Many moons ago, you subscribed via RSS to a website at thecrow.uk run by David Rutland (me).

TImes move on, and The Crow has been on an extended hiatus while I was working for various mega-publishing-corps (read borderline content mills) that paid me an underwhelming amount for writing about topics I would otherwise be covering for free.

That's over now (canned for shit-talking in the general slack channels - also AI), and I can get back to writing cool Linux / FOSS / things-I-find-moderately-interesting stuff without any oversight.

There are some changes. See the new name: LinuxImpact.com? That's me, and I've written some thoughts about its history elsewhere. Check out the new layout. I loved Jekyll and still use it on my personal site (see previous link), but it can be ballache sometimes. I'm using Publii and its WYSIWYG editor now. It's a bit bulier tha I'd like, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Self-hosting on the Pi has gone by the wayside, too. After being hugged to death by HN in the first week of taking over this domain (Maybe the fifth time overall?), I decided that despite the self-satisfaction I got from self-hosting on a Pi, it wasn't worth the hassle and moved to GitHub Pages. 

I've gathered up articles published elsewhere (including from The Crow), and to which I own the rights. The Crow's front page is being preserved as a museum piece.

I've set up 301 redirects including RSS - which is why this is landing in your feed reader (apologies to the dozen or so new Linux Impact RSS subscribers who have no idea what the hell I'm talking about).

New philosophy. Same(ish) content. More guides (it's what I've been doing for the last year or so). More problem-solving. More cool shit. More parentheses.

Yes, you've recieved 10 - 20 articles at once, and I'm sorry about that. It's called "doing a Kev" after Kev Quirk, who, for an extended period a couple of years ago, switched between static and WordPress on an almost monthly basis and flooded my RSS subscriptions with repeated posts. Every. Single. Bloody. Time.

If you don't like this, feel free to delete the feed; If you do like this, spread the word.

Semi related: On the offchance that anyone reading this used to follow my Fediverse account at social.thecrow.uk, I nuked that a few months ago, and set up a new server. I didn't migrate, I just killed it.

If you're interested in following me again, you can find me at https://social.rutland.org.uk/david